Press Releases
News, announcements, and relevant updates regarding RSL and our activities
It was a privilege to train technicians heading to Rampion Offshore Windfarm on the GWO Basic Technical Training (BTT) involving Electrical, Mechanical and Hydraulics modules. Another week with great stories, improved skills and inquisitive technicians with a strong desire to excel and learn.
Visit our training page to book your course today, or contact to arrange for a course at or near your site.
Candidate feedback: "Very knowledgeable trainers, good practical tools and simulations"
Brent van der Merwe statement: "It has been a privilege to teach the group this week. The hard work put in to make learning interesting and exciting seems to have paid off, with great GWO BTT candidate feedback. It is technicians like these that makes our industry great, and over time lowers the cost of energy produced."